Iced Teas at Cafroozzo

Iced Teas at Cafroozzo

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
The night look of Cafroozzo, a new coffee shop in Paniqui Tarlac.

Iced Teas at Cafroozzo Paniqui, Tarlac – Cafroozzo is a new coffee shop in town, which opened last November 2017. The coffee shop is the fourth branch of the Tarlac-based coffee chain and the first one out of Tarlac City following its branches in City Walk, SM Tarlac and Luisita.

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
The romantic look of the balcony area for outside diners.

Not that I am counting, but Cafroozzo is the fifth cafe in town. (Please see my other blogs for more details.) Located between the INC church and St Paul College in Brgy Samput, I would say that it is not too accessible compared to other coffee shops, which you can literally reach by foot if you’re in the town center. 

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
Salted Caramel Frap at Cafroozzo. Very strong flavor, which I should have customized.

What it lacked in accessibility, it gained in space. The place has a LOT of parking. There are a lot of tables for indoor and outdoor dining.  I don’t think there would ever be a crowded night because of their abundant space.

The place looks cozy and expensive. From the tables to the neutral-colored couches to the water bottles served at each table, you can see the aesthetics was considered with taste.

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
Raspberry Iced tea in this tall generous mug for Php 89. Best in town!
Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
This Strawberry Milkshake can be availed for Php 189.

Speaking of expensive-looking ambiance, the menu is leaning towards the high end. But if you consider existing contemporary high-end cafés in town, I guess that’s the price you pay for quality.

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
All-cheese pizza at 10 inches is the cheapest at Php 179. Not a big fan of their pizza dough but I can’t complain about the abundant cheesy toppings.
Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
This starter burger at Php 139 is quite decent for the patty, dressing, and fries on the side.

They offer a diverse menu from pasta, coffee, iced tea, milkshakes, pizza, waffles, rice bowls and picca picca snacks. I can’t say I enjoyed the rice bowls but will definitely come back again to try their pasta.

Like I always say in my blogs, I am not a coffee drinker. So I was genuinely delighted to taste their Iced Tea menu. I have tried mostly everything in this town and I can say Cafroozzo has the best iced tea around. I recommend their Raspberry tea.

Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
Tender Beef Stew or simply Kaldereta at Php 145, their best seller and the most expensive of the rice bowls. Caution: this is spicy!
Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
This plate of spaghetti is for Php 189 and can be shared by 2-3 persons. It crosses between sour Italian and sweet Filipino ways.
Iced teas at cafroozzo paniqui tarlac
Fried mojos at Php 159. Honestly, I hope there was more considering the price.

The staff is great and warm, though. Very accommodating waiters who patiently answered my every question. I have to commend the guard who cheerfully greets all customers who enter the door and who willingly helps commuting customers get their rides.

My final verdict:



Venue: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Service:  ⭐⭐⭐

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